Online Divorcein Kentucky
Online divorce is a process that allows couples who have agreed on key issues like property division, child custody, and support to file for divorce in Kentucky without needing a lawyer. Our service is designed to help you prepare for your amicable case quickly and stress-free by completing legal forms online and guiding you through the filing process.
- Quick preparation of divorce paperwork
- Easy online access from anywhere
- Up-to-date divorce forms
- Professional customer support
- Filing guidelines as a bonus
of court approval
of divorce documents
How It Works
We are a convenient paperwork preparation service suitable for spouses starting an uncontested marriage dissolution. This means that couples who have reached an agreement on all divorce-related matters and are both ready to sign the forms can easily get them online and file pro se.
Dealing with complicated legal paperwork on your own or having to hire a lawyer are not the only two options when divorcing. Use our assistance with divorce paperwork for a fixed and affordable fee and get a set of ready-to-file papers. Even if an online divorce in Kentucky may be unavailable for self-represented parties yet, our convenient filing instructions will help you start and go through the offline process efficiently.
1. See If You Qualify
Answer several general questions about your marriage dissolution to see if our service suits your needs.
2. Complete a Detailed Questionnaire
Fill out different sections related to your divorce. Once done, our system will start entering your information into the required divorce forms.
3. Get Your Papers and File Them
Download and check your ready-to-file documents, print them out, and add signatures where needed. File them with the local court.
Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce in Kentucky
Filing Requirements
Since only lawyers can currently e-file in the state, you should file the Petition in person with the court in the county where either spouse resides if you are self-represented. Serve the defendant, file the rest of the paperwork, and wait till the judge signs a decree.
Residency Requirements
At least one spouse must currently reside in the state and have been living there for a minimum of 180 days to be eligible to start the divorce process with the local courts.
Waiting Period
If both parties agree the marriage is irretrievably broken, there is a mandatory 60-day period of living apart. After these 60 days are over, the court can enter the final decree of divorce.
Complete Your Divorce Papers Online
When you order help with the paperwork for your uncontested divorce in Kentucky online, you first need to describe your case in detail.
Doing that is possible by completing the questionnaire on our website. For instance, you need to enter your and your spouse’s full names, dates of birth, and addresses, as well as the same data for your kids. There are also blocks on work-related and financial data, namely, income, debt, insurance, taxes, vehicles, property owned, etc.
You will get a notification when the documents are ready. Download them online or request delivery by mail if you don’t mind paying a small extra fee for this service.
The package typically includes:
- Petition for Dissolution of Marriage
- Case Data Information Sheet
- Civil Summons
- Settlement Agreement
Why Kentuckians Choose
We provide only up-to-date forms to ensure they meet the current requirements and are suitable for your divorce in Kentucky. You’ll receive a detailed filing guide to start and finalize your divorce efficiently with clear instructions at hand.

Getting paperwork from our service is more affordable than hiring an attorney for the same task. If you want to make the preparation of documents for a divorce in Kentucky cheap, you are on the right page.

All the forms we provide to our customers are court-approved and meet state-specific legal requirements.

You can access the questionnaire any time and get quick online help with divorce documents. Submit your answers and receive the papers ready for download within the deadline you choose.

Our support agents are available to answer any questions you may have concerning our online service or ordering process.
Start Your Divorce in Kentucky Today!
Getting the filled-out forms and a guide on how to file them from our online service is a major step in your divorce preparations. If you want to clarify anything concerning how our online technology works, feel free to contact our support agents.
All our clients get:
- Court-approved forms only
- Possibility to fill out a questionnaire at a convenient pace
- Access to the platform from any device
- Free changes within the subscription period
- Budget-friendly document preparation
- State-specific paperwork
What if We Have Children?
Couples with minor children can still get help with divorce documents in Kentucky from our service as long as they are in full agreement. We do not charge extra for child-related papers.
There are a few things for parents to remember before starting a divorce:
- It is important to reach an agreement on all matters concerning children. The court always prioritizes the best interests of the child, so the final decisions and approvals will be made with such considerations in mind. The important factors they take into account are each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment, the child’s relationship with each parent, and the child’s physical and emotional needs.
- There are different approaches to arranging visitation schedules depending on children’s age, parental locations, and other factors. It is common for non-custodial parents to spend time with the kids every other weekend. Children aged 3 and older also stay overnight on some weekdays. Parents may split holidays, with the schedule alternating each year.
- Child support is calculated based on each parent’s income, childcare expenses, and other factors. There are KY child support guidelines that define the amount that will be paid by one parent to the other to cover the child’s needs. Spouses can make an estimate using the Child Support Calculator.
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Frequently Asked Questions