Online Divorcein Rhode Island
Online divorce in Rhode Island is a great option for spouses seeking an uncontested divorce without hiring a lawyer. It’s perfect for couples with an amicable case, meaning they have already resolved issues regarding property division, child custody, and support. Our platform offers a convenient way to complete legal forms online and prepare for the filing process, allowing you to start your divorce pro se with more confidence.
- Affordable prices
- Package of case-specific documents
- 100% court-approved forms
- Expedited service
- Helpful customer support
of court approval
of divorce documents
How It Works
Our paperwork preparation service works perfectly for uncontested, no-fault offline or online divorces in Rhode Island when spouses have already reached an agreement. An uncontested process is typically much cheaper than contested litigation and can be finalized faster. Besides, involving an attorney in such cases is not mandatory.
Nevertheless, even uncontested divorces entail dealing with complex paperwork since each specific case requires various forms. Our service will be glad to help you choose and complete your divorce paperwork for a moderate price. You can then use the filled-out forms provided to file without a lawyer in person or online.
Step 1. Check Your Eligibility
Answer a few simple questions to determine if our service suits your needs, and you will be able to get the forms for your uncontested and full-agreement case.
Step 2. Provide Details about Your Divorce
Fill out our online questionnaire to provide the details about your divorce. Your answers will help the system select the necessary forms and complete them with your information.
Step 3. Download Your Forms
Download a package of documents and follow the filing instructions attached to file in person or efile using the court-approved system.
Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce in Rhode Island
Filing Requirements
To start the divorce, a petitioner should submit a Complaint and other papers to the court in the county where either party lives or file them electronically using a court-approved website. Next, serve the documents to the other party, file the rest of the paperwork, attend a hearing if required, and obtain the final decree.
Residency Requirements
To be eligible to initiate a divorce in Rhode Island, either spouse must have been a domiciled inhabitant and have lived in the state for 12 months before filing a Complaint. The parties may be required to prove their domicile and residence.
Waiting Period
The waiting period in Rhode Island starts after the issuance of the decision pending entry of final judgment. The Final Judgment shall not be entered until 3 months after the decision date or 20 days if you divorce after at least 3 years of separation.
Complete Your Divorce Papers Online
To get your divorce forms for an uncontested, no-fault case filled out online, you must complete a comprehensive questionnaire to provide us with the details of your marriage and divorce.
There will be questions about your and your spouse’s full names, dates of birth, current addresses, and the date and location of your marriage. If you have minor children, provide their personal details as well. Besides, specify your and your spouse’s workplace information and details about your real property, vehicles, marital and separate assets, etc. This information will help our system select the proper forms for your specific case and fill them out with the necessary details.
You can download the completed package of your Rhode Island divorce forms online or receive it by mail for a small extra fee.
As a minimum, your RI divorce kit will likely include the following papers:
- Complaint
- Cover Sheet
- Statement of Assets, Liabilities, Income, and Expenses
- Child Support Guideline Worksheet
Why Rhode Islanders Choose
Our clients get only legal documents compliant with the current state regulations. Besides, we always ensure that the system fills them in accurately with the answers provided in the questionnaire. Every divorce case is unique, and our online service is a flexible system that can prepare case-specific forms for your individual situation.

We offer a budget-friendly method for preparing divorce documents. With our help, a DIY and cheap divorce in Rhode Island has become a reality for many couples willing to file pro se.

By ordering our help with divorce paperwork preparation online, you can be sure your personal information and sensitive details are protected throughout the entire process.

With our assistance, you can complete your divorce papers in no time. If fast divorce is what you need, choose expedited preparation options for your forms to get and file them as soon as you would like.

Forget about time-consuming office visits or meetings with lawyers. Access our platform and fill out the questionnaire at your own pace to get your ready-to-file divorce paperwork easily and quickly.
Start Your Divorce in Rhode Island Today!
Getting the filled-out forms and a guide on how to file them from our online service is a major step in your divorce preparations. If you want to learn more about our online divorce form preparation technology, deadlines, etc., contact support agents via email.
By choosing our service, you’ll receive:
- Individual forms for getting a divorce online and offline
- Understandable step-by-step filing instructions
- Free revisions for active subscribers
- Professional customer support
- State-specific paperwork
- Affordable and quick help with document preparation
What if We Have Children?
Our online paperwork preparation services are available to spouses with minor children. We will complete the necessary child-related papers for your uncontested, no-fault case at no additional cost.
Before answering questions concerning child custody and support in our questionnaire, pay attention to the following matters:
- As in many other states, the RI courts consider the best interests of a kid when determining custody and support.
- The judge may grant either sole or joint legal custody to one or both parents. However, spouses must prove themselves ready to cooperate and respect each other to be granted shared custody.
- Physical custody in the state is usually called “physical placement” and can be granted to one parent while the other obtains visitation rights.
- The parent with physical placement is often eligible to receive child support from the parent granted visitation rights.
Customer Testimonials
Frequently Asked Questions